Yvonne Temple’s Memorial

Yvonne Temple

Yvonne Temple

8 April, 1938 – 24 July, 2022

This page was created for Yvonne Temple. Her family have asked that gifts should be given in lieu of flowers.

For family testimonies please visit http://www.dillow-taylor.com/view.php?r=4781

Who was Yvonne?

Yvonne’s name was not written alongside the trustee board and neither was she named as a CPR Board member, but nevertheless, Yvonne was one of the founding members of Christian Prison Resourcing. Her generosity and prayers helped bring CPR into being.

Yvonne’s personal encouragement to David Fortune (Director of Ministry) and the first chairman of the Board, Brian Edwards, was immense. Her and John’s home in the New Forest was opened for CPR Board meetings once a year where hospitality was given to the board, their spouses and even their children.

Yvonne gave many words of encouragement but above all she ‘loved us’. Her words and actions demonstrated the love of Christ. If John spoke in parables Yvonne spoke in proverbs – very much to the point but always, as I say, so loving. She knew my work ethic and would often give me illustrations from John’s life, from the famous ‘Five minute jobs’ (that took much longer) to more profound spiritual battles.

With Fond affection in Christ,

David Fortune

Donations in Yvonne’s Memory

For those wishing to make a donation to CPR, please use the bank details below including ‘Yvonne’ in the reference.

Christian Prison Resourcing
HSBC Bromley
Sort Code 40-17-51
Account: 71485768

You can also visit our Get Involved page for more ways to donate.